
How it works & FAQ

Boost sales, enhance customer experience and solve knowledge resource problems with Ausai AI Chatbot.

How it works

Only 3 steps to an AI-powered business

Ausai is more than just an AI chatbot. It's a powerful resource base that can retrieve, calculate and summarise your business data so you don't have to.

Squai is machine-learned by feeding it your business data
We integrate it into your workplace
Ausai ai chatbot web integration
Leverage the power of AI

Frequently asked questions

6 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about AI chatbots:

What is Ausai?

Ausai is a computer program that uses artificial intelligence to simulate human conversation. It can interact with users, answer questions, and perform tasks autonomously.

What can Ausai be used for?

Ausai offers two key roles:
1. Front-facing customer support chatbot.
2. Instant internal knowledge resource for businesses.

How does Ausai work?

Ausai works by analyzing user input, understanding the context, and generating appropriate responses using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms.

What are the benefits of using Ausai for my businesses?

Improved customer support, 24/7 availability, cost savings, faster response times, and the ability to handle a high volume of inquiries simultaneously.

Can AI chatbots understand multiple languages?

Yes, Ausai is capable of understanding and responding in multiple languages, making it versatile for businesses with international audiences.

What types of tasks can Ausai perform?

Ausai can perform various tasks, including answering FAQs, processing orders, scheduling appointments, providing product recommendations, and more.

How do I measure the success of Ausai?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) for Ausai include customer satisfaction, response times, task completion rates, and the reduction in customer support inquiries handled by human agents.

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